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Carlisle PA Spring show/swap meet 4/22-4/26

PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 10:05 am
by pfarber ... fault.aspx

Andi and I will be going... time to get some photos of my hot wife next to some classic cars.

Re: Carlisle PA Spring show/swap meet 4/22-4/26

PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:50 pm
by pfarber
Andi and I went to the show Thursday... 47F and windy.. but we went. Paid $10 to park out front of Gate #2. I've never been to this show but I had an idea that it was mostly 50's and up.. and yeah... it was. We walked the Car Corral to look at the cars for sale and Mustangs and Corvettes were the most common cars IIRC. A lot of Bel Air's.. a few Camaro's and more than a few Trans AMs. Got photos of a few cars, will post later.

Spent $24 for a hambuger, 2 small fries, chicken tenders, coffee and hot cocoa. Most of the part were for modern cars... few if any early truck parts.

My big score.. $6 for two Craftsman screwdrivers... I did find a guy with Craftsman wrenches... $4 a pop but stupid me didn't buy any... can always used more 9/16ths, 1/2 and 7/16ths wrenches.

On the way out got funnel cake. So not a bad day.

Re: Carlisle PA Spring show/swap meet 4/22-4/26

PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 11:48 pm
by pfarber
Some car pics

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Re: Carlisle PA Spring show/swap meet 4/22-4/26

PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 11:49 pm
by pfarber
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