Tire pressure stencile.. when do you need it?

Topics about paint colors, what was painted where, application of unit markings, component labels or decals. Also data plates and serial numbers/registration numbers.

Tire pressure stencile.. when do you need it?

Postby pfarber » Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:48 pm

Some units were putting the "T.P. 35" or whatever the TM's tire pressure was on the units vehicles long before the WDC came out. But, the official 'git-r-done' comes from:

WDC- 174 12 June 45

and where is the 'official' list of 'official' tire pressures?

TB 31-200-7 23May1945

The low down is:

tp.JPG (40.85 KiB) Viewed 7651 times
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