Idiots at AT&T Store

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Idiots at AT&T Store

Postby pfarber » Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:12 pm

So I go to the local retards at AT&T and want to buy a phone. No plan, just a phone. So I start out stupid to feel out how retarded the AT&T employee is. Now, some background. I have an S4 that I bought on a plan in Aug 2014. I wanted a good smartphone to take with me to China. So buy the S4 in Aug, use it for a month, pay the termination fee ($350) to end the contract and UNLOCK the phone. So in less than 60 days I ALREADY did this ONCE.

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So I'm talking to the retard at AT&T and I ask 'can I just but the phone with no plan?' Retard says NO. It MUST be bought with a 2yr plan and cannot pay the ETF to end the contract.. I must keep it for 2 years. I tell the retard that even if I buy the phone, according TO THE LAW they (AT&T) MUST UNLOCK IT once I pay the ETF. Retard says only after your 2 years. I tell the retard that I did it two months after I bought my S4 from the exact store I was standing in. Retard says I didn't. I show her the phone, the AT&T logo on the back, the AT&T text in the upper left corner and my STRAIGHT TALK SIM CARD. Retard says 'I don't know how you go them to do that'. At that point I said (literally) is there someone smarter I can talk to??? You just called me a liar and you have no idea what you are talking about.

So little retard go gets big retard (manager). I go through the same thing. Big retard says that I cannot unlock a phone unless I have it 2 years. And that SHE DIDN'T KNOW ANY LAW ABOUT UNLOCKING and that AT&T DIDN'T UNLOCK. So at this point I'm laughing. Out loud. I said 'so one of us is lying... and since my AT&T phone works with a Straight Talk sim card I'm gonna say it's you'.

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At that point she said 'I doesn't matter, I WILL NOT SELL YOU A PHONE'. Me, laughing, replies with 'I don't think you know HOW to sell a phone.. .you obviously have no idea what you are talking about and you have been lying to me for the lasts 10 minutes'. At this point Andrea and I leave.. laughing.

So tomorrow we'll go to the iPhone store and buy an iPhone 6 unlocked.... SHHHH Don't tell AT&T.. hahahahahahahaha
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