NOT a CCKW oil filter... don't trust vendors!

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NOT a CCKW oil filter... don't trust vendors!

Postby pfarber » Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:14 pm

This vendor from way up north is selling this oil filter on e-bay as a NOS CCKW oil filter.



While it *might* be a Military Senior oil filter (the lid would be embossed with 'Use Military Standard Oil Filter' if it were), this filter fails on two accounts:

First, the sludge drain at the bottom is WRONG. CCKW oil filters have the input pointing towards of the front of the engine, the drain plug is 90 degrees to the right, pointing away from the engine.

cckwfilter.jpg (18.17 KiB) Viewed 2365 times

Second, NOS CCKW filters from supply are black. No proof has been shown that replacement oil filters are gray. Paint color or not, the filter is NOT a CCKW/CCKWX/AFKWX/CCW oil filter.

Bottom line: BUYER BEWARE. Vendors are, at best, vaguely knowledgeable about the wares they are selling.
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