So I'm getting some gear to start a podcast. No, it has nothing to do with CCKWs.
But what's funny is that there seems to be MORE money in showing people HOW to podcast than in podcasting.
Take Podcasters Society, a bunch of hacks that state the obvious will tell you obvious things for $500 a year. Ohh.. maybe its the 'networking opportunities' LOL NO. A bunch of nobodies all clamoring to 'collab' and create hours of boring, useless 'content' is not networking. It's called being a sucker.
Weeditpodcasts will 'edit' your blathering for as little as $249 a month. WHAT A DEAL!!! For 5 hours of podcast that $50 per hour. Not a bad gig for running audacity.
There are many more ways you can 'professionalize' your podcast. lol.
While there are podcasts that make money, 99.999% of them will never see a dime (I won't. I'm in it because I like to hear the sound of my own voice ). These truly professional content creators or celebrities (Adam Corolla comes to mind) will make some advertising money.