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RARE TM SCORE!!!!! TM10-1562 Revised June 15

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 3:04 pm
by pfarber
Here is the May 1, 1943 Revised 15 June 1943:
tm10rev.PNG (1.33 MiB) Viewed 36680 times

Note the line at the bottom under the MAY 1, 1943 date.

Here is the May (or first) edition:
tm10rev1.PNG (469.45 KiB) Viewed 36680 times

Note the Revised line is missing.

While it includes the same contracts.. it covers chassis SNs that the first one does not. It appears that the gas tank variant is in the later issue.... and while most of the engine/driveline pages appear the same, when you get into the later cab/body pages there are some differences.

So while its not an earth shattering revelation... its still a limited edition TM... the first TM9-801 was already in the works when this was released.

Re: RARE TM SCORE!!!!! TM10-1562 Revised June 15

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 2:27 pm
by HQDTruck
Hello,I'am after GMCs datas.
Are there any ways to have digital copies of the tables showing the registration number,frame numbers and contract from the different TMs you have ? I have just been able to find the table from 10-1563 May,1st but with a big watermark on it.

I mean all the TMs from 10-1104/1105 thru last 10-1562 edition ?

I would be very interested in the different tables findable across the different TMs editions.
