Easy way to remove tires

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Easy way to remove tires

Postby pfarber » Thu May 15, 2014 4:27 pm

I have a few rusted/busted tires from CCKWs I have owned and around here no one will take tires except the dump. And showing up with 11 tires that weight 65lbs a peace is going to get expensive (tires get charged a super screw you fee - one tire cost me almost $30).

So lets cut them up and scrap the rims and throw away the tires!

Your typical to-far-gone rim and busted tire. Without being able to break the bead the lock ring ain't coming off. I've tried to torch the rim.. but its really to much work compared to this new way I have.
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Tools: A Harbor Freight 7 in angle grinder and a saws-all. The grinder need the metal cutting discs to cut the steel wires in the tire bead. The sawsall has a standard wood/steel 6-8tpi blade to cut the tire/cord. You can get the grinder on sale for about $30 and a 5 pack of discs for about $12. The 4 1/2 in grinder disc will not fit in the recess of the tire to cut the bead as the disc wears. I have done 3 tires on a single 7in disc and its still got lots of life left.
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Cut around the tire on the sidewall about 1 inch above the rim lip. You need to be pretty close to the rim so the grinder disc can get to the bead. Do this to both sides and then cut accross the top of the tire so the entire carcass opens up and the rim falls out.
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To cut the liner, use the inner tube stem hole and saws all the liner off. Liners are cheap... plus they will be all ratty and rust damage on the bottom.
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Use the grinder to plunge cut into the bead wires. I just lay the wheel onto the tire and let the weight of the grinder push it. If you try to hard the tire will grip and either buck the grinder or damage the disc... it will smoke a bit, but not much.
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All that's left is to peel away the bead:
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And marvel at all the precious war material that you are about to throw in the garbage:
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I've been getting $11/100lbs for steel. A rim is about 40lbs so 10 rims should get me about $50.

If you are lucky enough to live near a recycler that takes tires for incineration luck you! But don;t be that guy who just tosses tires into the bush. God will punish you by sending all the mosquitoes that breed in the water they catch to your house bwaa haa haa

It takes me about 10 minutes to do a tire. That's pretty good compared to trying to just cut out the rim with a torch. If you are careful the method will work if you want to save the rim. You will just need to be careful not to cut into the lock ring/rim lip. If you do nick the rim, welding it will fix it. Rims are welded on ALL THE TIME (heck how do you think they join the parts of a rim together?). edit - I know CCKW rims are riveted. That's just how they made them at the time. Again, rims are welded on all the time... its not going to make them shoot off and kill small children at parades hahahahaha.
Last edited by pfarber on Fri May 16, 2014 1:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Easy way to remove tires

Postby pfarber » Thu May 15, 2014 6:42 pm

I got to a tire where I wanted to save the rim and ring... the trick is to leave more of the sidewall than 1 inch or so... more like 5-6 (cut right along the sidewall next to the tread). You'll need that extra sidewall to help break the bead. I used 2 tire spoons (from Harbor Freight) to walk the lock ring side tire down, then remove the lock ring, then push the inside sidewall off. Not hard, but takes about 30-60 minutes.
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Re: Easy way to remove tires

Postby motto » Thu May 22, 2014 8:05 pm

If you want to keep the rim I've found that it's not difficult to cut the bead wires with a good sharp cold chisel. You may have to remove some excess rubber and fabric with a box cutter to get to the wire but it doesn't take much time or effort. Sometimes I've used a drill just to chew away the excess. There is not much to remove if you've cut in close to the rim with the saws all. The chisel will even go through a certain amount of material to get to the wire, it doesn't need to be exposed.


Re: Easy way to remove tires

Postby pfarber » Fri May 23, 2014 8:13 pm

I've gotten pretty good and cutting the wires with the grinder... if you go in almost parallel to the rim flange (or whatever the wide flat part is called) and then just ease the grinder into it they cut nice.

I've saved 3 rims from the pile I had... only one will need a welding touch up.

If there is any rust under the hub/rim they are trash to me. I've saved a few lock rings. I don't think rust on the wheel flange (where the flap sits) is a big issue.... but I try to pick ones that are not horribly pitted... those flaps really do let the rust run wild.
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